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Mark Eiswerth

Mark Eiswerth, Ph.D.经济学副教授,研究环境问题 resources — including Colorado’s water — are allocated. Photo by Woody Myers

December 21, 2018

Calm Water

经济学教授马克·艾斯沃思(Mark Eiswerth)寻求解决复杂(有时是有争议的)环境问题的办法 issues by considering human values and motives.

UNC Environmental Economics Professor Mark Eiswerth, Ph.D., is a fourth-generation 科罗拉丹来自一个包括伐木工人和牧场牛仔的家庭(他的祖父是) one of the first geophysicists in the West). As an economist and co-director of UNC’s 环境与可持续发展研究项目,他敏锐地意识到这有多么不同 价值观和利益影响生活质量,推动经济发展.

环境经济学提出的问题,Eiswerth将其定义为 研究环境资源如何——以及应该如何——在竞争中分配 demands,” make for engaged discourse in his classroom. Eiswerth poses environmental 难题,然后让他的学生自由地解剖,讨论,探索和 debate the options. 

“We talk about water in Colorado. We look at the forecasts. We look at some of the decisions being made,” Eiswerth says.

在一个平均每年15美元的州,人们对用水和节约用水的担忧.5 inches of 每年的降雨都因那些环境经济学之间的竞争需求而变得复杂 农民和城市居民,工业用户和娱乐爱好者. And it’s not going to get easier. 科罗拉多州水资源保护委员会预计将会有20%的下降 预计到2050年该州人口将达到1000万. 

As a water resource economist, is Eiswerth alarmed? Outwardly not.

He’s concerned about the future, of course. But after nearly four decades of study, 他仍然乐观、开放,对下一代解决问题的能力充满信心 能力——他给学生练习的机会.

“我试着教他们如何促进人们之间的讨论 with competing interests,” he says. “I say, ‘God willing, you guys are going to be 比我待的时间长得多,所以我希望你能在我之后做这些事 can’t.’ ” 

“重要的是要学会如何成为一名公民,或者成为一名利益相关者 bottom line, because everybody drinks water. Everybody eats food. Everybody takes a shower.”


例如,在决定是否倾销时,他研究了如何减轻损害 waste in a landfill or incinerating it. Neither is ideal. So how do you choose? It may not strictly be a monetary decision, he says. It’s also about environmental values and doing the least harm.

从那以后的30年里,Eiswerth一直在研究问题,并将他的理论应用到全国各地 从水污染到栖息地的分析能力. There’s an economic component to every conceivable problem, he says.

可持续发展专家努力解决一些大问题,比如如何经济有效地确保, protect and allocate resources. But secondary impacts Eiswerth calls “externalities” occur whenever we produce or consume goods and services. One externality of cheap, 充足的城市用水可能是房主给草坪浇水过多. It’s wasteful, 当然,但它也可能导致土壤侵蚀或允许农药和街道 污染进入水道,降低下游水质.  

艾斯沃斯研究的是经济学家所说的“生态系统服务支付”.” Financial 诸如为水基生态系统服务(pwe)支付费用等激励措施可能是解决办法 胡萝卜可以激励农民,他们控制着该州80%的水 在农田周围的缓冲带中减少径流或限制农药的使用, 使它们能够将更高质量的水送回溪流. 

Eiswerth指出了一个正面的外部性,即使只有一个生产者 其中的原因可能是邻近的农民也会感兴趣. And that’s starting to happen. 在世界范围内,有400多个这样的pwe项目正在进行中,其中有几个 pilot projects in the U.S., including Colorado.

从商品的角度来看,水很有趣,因为它的价值取决于如何 it’s acquired and how it’s used. Cities, towns and developers are buying land with 灌溉权,然后将水转化为市政用水. Utilities then set 居民的水价,有一些监管监督.

“It’s not a free-market system,” explains Eiswerth. “It’s more of a regulated monopoly, 所以价格并不是完全由供求规律决定的.” 

诚然,科罗拉多州的水法在理论上很简单,在实践中却很复杂. Colorado 法律规定,农业用水一旦被引走,就不能再用了 be used to grow crops. Essentially, the farmland dries up — even in wet years when 一个城市可能有多余的水可以租给农民.

石油和天然气行业也有自己的一套环境和经济问题 about water used in fracking operations. The water is disposed of by injecting it 因为化学添加剂使其无法用于其他用途.

“当我们谈论水法时,我问学生的问题是,‘你认为它应该吗 be changed?“人们对此真的有分歧,这很难回答,因为 it’s so complex. There are a lot of barriers to changing laws,” Eiswerth says.

“在西方,我们一直在努力开发各种水市场,以便 allow for transfers and leases.”

让艾斯沃思感兴趣的是,未来的经济学家将如何解决这些问题. He’s enthusiastic 博天堂官方网站他的领域以及它为未来毕业生提供的机会.

“我们需要受过训练的人来思考这些问题,并且愿意这样做 to think about these issues — across space and across time. You can go to Washington, D.C.或者你可以留在这里,在政府、企业和非营利组织中运用经济学。” he says.

每学期都有一群学生向他挑战,他全心全意地相信 in the next generation.

“我的工作是找出有趣的方法来引出别人的价值观和偏好,” he says. “We all have ideas of what’s most important. I can’t play favorites in class. 如果学生在课堂上不确定我的立场,我很高兴.”

这是一种放松和尊重的对话,让人们以新的方式看待事物. It opens the door to shifts in perspective.

“I’m not really looking to change minds,” he says. “I’m just trying to facilitate 讨论、发现和做出明智的协作决策的过程.”

–Betsy Lynch